Resolve Medicode provides Pharmacovigilance, Clinical Data Management, Regulatory Affairs & Clinical Research Training and also involves in Medical Billing and Medical Coding training in Madurai (CPC & CPC-A) in Madurai with Certification which is provided in both Online Training and Classroom Training. Clinical Research, Clinical Data Management & Pharmacovigilance is becoming an important part of drug improvement as it deals with the patient’s safety & effectiveness of drug resulted in new job avenues. The Candidates after the completion of the training would have new beneficial pursuits as Pharmacovigilance prospective opportunities & growth outcrop are enormous.

The main objective of Resolve Medicode to make our students “Ready to be Grabbed as a Clinical Research & Pharmacovigilance Professional”, Resolve Medicode provide high-quality and ground-breaking approaches and methodologies in Regulatory Affairs, clinical data management & Clinical Research training in Madurai, to enrich the job prospects for learners of Medical, Pharma and Life Sciences, As a result empowering them to meet the growing stipulate of talented manpower for the Pharma, CRO and Healthcare industries.

It was very well done – entertaining and flexible to meet your needs. Very likeable and fun… Thanks!” Cess, Dealing With Difficult People


Very informative, really made me think about possible scenarios, particularly in the workplace” Rebecca Campbell, Surrey and Sussex Probation Trust, Assertiveness and Managing Conflict​

Adam Sendler

very informative and eye-opening programme… I thought she covered all the areas brilliantly.
